To update the default price for your van, click on MANAGE, then click Edit on the "Price and Terms" section.  Add your new price here. Remember, this is the 'from' price displayed on your main listing.  

You can set different prices and availability via the calendar.  The pricing you set in the calendar overrides your default daily rate.

To change the default price in your calendar click on the CALENDAR button in your Dashboard. Scroll over to the month and first date you wish to change. A pop up box will appear. Check your Start date, put in your End date and price for that period of time and click on Save.

Follow the same process for updating availability. Go to the first date you wish to change. A pop up box will appear. Check you Start date, put in your End date and tick not available. Click on Save.

Remember, you can very easily have up-to-date availability with calendar sync through Ical. Read more at Can I synch my calendar with other calendars?  

If you need help, give our team a call on 0330 808 1811.